Monday, April 7, 2008

The Winners are...

Hey Challengers,
Congratulations to everyone who participated! It was a long 12 weeks but hopefully you met your goals or improved your health in some way. We all worked hard.

Now for the prize money. We started with 48 challengers. Three quit within the first week - to those people I refunded their money. This left us with 45 challengers (although 2 quit after the first week so I took them off the spread sheet but did not refund their money). So we have $900 in prize money to be awarded. Here is how I awarded prizes.
1st : $300
2nd : $200
3rd : $125
4th: $100
5th: $75
6th: $50
7th: $30
8th: $20
Since we have ties, this is the cash breakdown
1st place (2-way tie): (300+200)/2 = $250/person

2nd place (4-way tie): (125+100+75+50)/4 = $87.50/person
3rd Place (3-way tie): (30+20)/3) =$16.67/person

And now for the winners...
1st place (684 points - perfect score): Cami Severson and Katie Stuart
2nd place (683 points): Mariah Christensen, Natalee Maxfield, Sarah Severson, and Steve Maxfield
3rd place (682 points): Lynette Noonan, Sandy Heberlein and Emily Skidmore
Congratulations for 12 long weeks of hard work! Way to go.
Winners of cash - please send me your address so I can send you your check!
Great job everyone! I hope you all had good experiences, and you should be proud of yourselves for participating.
Thanks for your support and patience...and keep up your healthy lifestyles!!
Yours truly,
Chief Challenger Downs
aka Emily

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